Since starting this project, my knowledge of signalling has developed and continues to do so. With this in mind there are a number of corrections that I need to make to my system. First though a couple of very useful books that have helped me on my way:
Two Centuries of Signalling by Kichenside and Williams
Signalling and lever frames by J Geary
How to be a railway signalman by D Walden
A couple of signals need replacing with junction frames, one has just been completed. The arrangement of the levers is wrong and needs addressing. According to the above books the leveres are addressed from left to right for the up road and right to left for the down road. This will mean re positioning the levers and wiring in the boxes to put this right.
I’ve come to the conclusion that I really need
to make an effort of including signals on my railway. I confess that
making them is not top of my to do list and certainly not something
I get excited about! However, I have thought that there must be some
way that a philistine like me can get some way to achieving a
signalled line of some sort. So having considered several directions
I have come down to what follows. I hope that my layman’s approach
will entice others along the same path.