December 2017
The replacement bells are here. Trying AC ones as shown below to replace the current DC ones that are somewhat fragile! Click here to see the progress made.
One important junction signal was missing from the system and is now under construction as shown here.
Match truck sides for the breakdown crane have now been constructed and are ready to be fitted to the wagon chassis. Search for breakdown crane to see the story.
Finishing off the ground signal system.
Here for the full story. There are still one
or two signals to build and install. Here is the system I currently
use which will replace the PECO switches currently in use. Click the
picture for a larger image.
The new configuration looks like this though. |Each set is spread around and akin to one of the five signal boxes on the railway.
And the two levers on the right hand side control this set of ground discs:
Top disc divergence to the left, bottom disc divergence to the right.
November 2017
Mostly behind the scenes stuff organising more signals to complete the system, more control boards from Heathcote electronics and Cobalt-s switches from Hattons
October 2017
The Peckett Dock tank X2 is under way and nearing completion after a long stall. Check it out here.
Detailed Miniatures have
had my 'Dads Army' platoon in for painting and here they are, an
excellent job!:
September 2017
Finishing off the signalling on the railway I forgot the loop line and milk siding at the far end of the railway. This would necessitate a double ground signal. Fortunately i had a MSE Ground signals pack left over and built a double body from the two separate bodies.
Having completed the ground signal and block signalling projects I turn my attention to a neglected part of the railway. That of isolating point frogs and adding in extra power connections to maintain power over most if not all of the turnout sections. This is especially important where DCC is concerned. as a loco stored on a diverging or through line will have its power cut off when the points are changed. Apart from potential damage to the decoder, where sound is involved it becomes un-prototypical. Any sounds should be there all the time not just when the point is set in favour of the loco! As all the track is well bedded down I propose to cut the fishplates and re connect the onward tracks to maintain constant power.
O Gauge Guildex at Telford once again. All those unexpected purchases and chance conversations that led to more purchases. Having ridden behind Bradley Manor the day before on the Severn Valley Railway, I bought a Warren Shephard Manor kit ready for the coming Winter build. This also involved a visit to ABC for a motor and gear assembly and an order for cast iron insulated wheels from Lez Allen of Walsall Model Industries. A future purchase of an ESU decoder will also be necessary in the Spring to complete, (plus the usual 'extras' along the way - nameplates, wheel nuts, etc, etc. Click Here to find how the Manor build will go.
Lez also provided me with two van kits that I will use to make up a match truck for the 15 ton crane D&S kit I have. No one makes such a kit but I will be creating one from the two kits which are: a GWR Fruit 'C' van and a Gunpowder improvised van of WEP model source now owned by Lez. Click here to see how it now progresses.
Finally, a collection of 'Detailed Miniatures' figures for the railway and a collection of home guard figures on the march for them to paint as part of a diorama I intend to create in the future.
August 2017
There was a need for a signal box in the ground signal shunting area. One is on order to compliment the other signal box and work has started on its placement as shown here.
July 2017
Adding to the ground signal project I've started to implement the use of dummy point rodding and signal wire pulley posts.
To further enhance the layout I'm about to install telegraph poles. My choice will be ready made PECO ones which are on order. Click here to see more on that.
Adding to the signalling system I have adopted I want to include some ground signals in the shunting yards in the fourth part of my railway. To this end I have purchased a number of ground signals from MSE. But its not that simple! Click here to find out why!
June 2017
The rest of the control boards for the indicator switches have now arrived and their installation now can proceed. It involves connections to a power supply, connection to the rotary switches and the indicator servos. This will take the rest of this month.
I failed to check the clearance of one of the signals against the steam railmotor and the diesel railcar both of which collided with it. The signal has be re located and all is now well! Always check the combinations of stock against your positions is the maxim here!
I have completed the installation of the major signals on the layout. Using PECO signals activated by servos and control boards from Heathcote Electronics. There is a holdup on the indicator controller PCBs from GFControls for a few weeks but they are in the pipeline.
May 2017
The absolute block project is moving on with 8 extra signals to build and the wiring to connect each Block box underway. Click here for an update on progress.
April 2017
Running in parallel with the signal construction I'm looking into Absolute Block control as well and trying to bring the two aspects together. Click here to see how - if its possible using servos as indicators.
March 2017
I have taken the view that to signal my railway would be a very sensible thing to do, but I'm not a fan of building them so how do i approach it? Click here to find out.
February 2017
Kettering Spring Show 2017 The first of a couple of shows focussing on O gauge modellers. 80+ traders stalls with plenty to spend your money on. I have just started populating my railway with various folk, some I have painted myself some ready and recently from Detailed Miniatures. These figures are exceptionally well painted and the choice of figure is appropriate to our 7mm scale. Some others look a little thin or slightly too large. Here are a couple of pics from my railway with Detailed Miniatures figures in them. Most retail at around £14.99 but the detail and quality that is all there is what you pay for!!
Guard with his flag lowered ready for the off!
Country gent with his dog
January 2017
Another update on the 00 gauge Hornby Dublo layout. A couple more buildings I need seem only to be made by Scalescenes. I am using them for the first time and their products are downloadable prints priced at £4.99 and all they need is backing card etc to make them up. I have purchased the Gable Roof Engine Shed and the Coaling Stage.
The backing card was purchased on ebay from CYD Printing cost £3.49 and £5.49 for two sizes of A4 grey backing board, (1mm and 2mm), as shown below. Click the picture below to see how they are constructed.
More people to populate the railway and a third loco to be lined.